Tuesday 24 January 2012 0 comments

Design Competition


  • You can use any color for the polo shirt
  • No color limitation
  • You suppose to insert logo of AMSA UPH and UPH

  • Sent your design to Tanessaaudrey@hotmail.com and after sent your design please confirm to CP
  • Due date of submission 29th January 2012
  • For the WINNER we will give 50% off for the polo shirt and also a certificate from AMSA UPH

For more information please contact (CP):
Tanesa '11 : 085781812121
Susan '10 : 087771513035
Monday 23 January 2012 0 comments


AMSA UPH mengucapkan:

Saturday 14 January 2012 0 comments

10 Unique Facts About Your Body!

As we all know, especially for future doctors like ourselves, our body is full of mysteries. Well, we have put together a list of 10 amazing facts about the human body, thanks to a few sites from the internet that I will be mentioning later on. You might have heard it or read it somewhere else before as well. So anyways enjoy!

1.             An average human body sheds around 600,000 particles of skin every hour; that is about 1.5 pounds or 0.675 kg a year. And by age 70, the average human will have lost 105 pounds or 47,25 kg of skin. That’s a lot of skin!

2.           If the average human man never trimmed his beard it would be almost 30 feet or 9 meters long in his lifetime, seeing that the fastest growing hair on a human's body is males beard's hair. What would dragging that around feel like? Having long hair at the back of my head already feel sometimes uncomfortable, can’t imagine having 9 meters hair in your face!

3.             A person blinks an average of 25 times per minute when awake. Which means  approximately 1500 times per hour, 36000 per day,  and 13140000 times a year, if he/she never sleeps, of course.

4.             15 million cells in blood alone are destroyed in the human body every second. Which means by the time you finished reading this sentence, 50,000 of the cells in your body would have died and would have already been replaced with new cells. RIP 50,000 cells.

5.             The tongue is the only muscle in the human body that is not attached at both ends and it is said to be the strongest muscle compared to its size. Unfortunately you’re not gonna be able to carry your extra bags with them.

6.             It is said that we’re taller in the morning because throughout the day, the cartilage between the bones is compressed making us 1 cm shorter. So if you checked your height in day time, just add 1 cm to it, it does make a lot of difference :p

7.             The average human is originally born with more than 300 bones, but when they reach adulthood, some bones fuse together making an adult end up with only around 206 bones. More than 94 bones short from the original amount?!

8.             Your brain comes out to play at night. You’d think that your brain is more active during the day, when the rest of your body is. But it’s not. Well that explains those late night insomnia and why everything seems much more interesting at night when you’re about to sleep. Your brain is more active when you sleep.

9.             The brain, through the nose can identify and remember more than 50,000 different scents. It can differentiate one smell from the other. And it is said that women are better than man at identifying smells! So guys, you better smell good :p

10.          Your feet can produce a pint of sweat a day. There are 500,000 (250,000 for each) sweat glands in your feet, and that can mean a great deal of stinky sweat. That explains smelly feet!! I recommend changing your socks every day!

Read more at:
Friday 13 January 2012 0 comments


Kelompok 1 ( CANCER DAY- 4th February ) :

Andrew Lukman
Viona Tjhin
Agatha Marcelline
Fidelia O.Michael Halim
Immanuela Hartono
Desak Ketut N. P.
Maggie Nathania
Priscilla Muliantara
Rhema Wiguna
Stifanny Yap
Kristhy Chang
Erika Angelina
Nazla Ananda Rachmi Putri
Anastasia Florentina
Bramadi Sihagung
Erika Angelina

Ivana Supit

Kelompok 2 ( TB DAY - 24th March) :

Debby Apricella
Tanessa Audrey
Valda Garcia
David Victorius Lucas
Edwin Halim
Deniz Reza
Egie Praja
Keziah Tuerah
Yessy Cristina T.
Arlha A. D.
Patricia T. H.
Natasha Dianasari
Raden Annisa C.
Stevanus J.
Mutiara Insan S.
Delvira P.
Tiffany Chang
Odelia Jovita J.
Amiradyta M.


Kelompok 3 ( Earth&Health Day - 22nd April )

Audie Christopher
Vinson Hartoyo
Graciella N. T. W.
Abelina D.
Paola Hermawan
Clara Natasya
Josephine Darmawan
Adji Karlita Shavira
Christian A. Phan
Martha Riestiana
Marcello Telasman
Andrea Feraldho
Rachel Vania
Leni Lukman
Claudia Florencia
Nathania Sheryl
Edwin Gandawijaya
Glory Tangkesalu Lobo
Felicia A Melinda 

Jangan lupa disiapkan yah teman-teman untuk masing-masing acara !!! Let's make some impact !! 

Wednesday 11 January 2012 0 comments


Get Closer With Gamma Knife

Alat Gamma Knife
Apa itu Gamma Knife?

Gamma Knife adalah treatmen non-invasive yang digunakan untuk berbagai time tumor otak dan vascular malformations. Treatmen ini sendiri, biasanya memakan waktu 3-4 jam dan perawatan di rumah sakit selama 1-2 hari. Kebanyakan pasien dari pengguna Gamma Knife ini, dapat kembali ke aktivitas normal mereka setelah beberapa hari.

Untuk Apa Gamma Knife Digunakan?

Gamma Knife digunakan untuk menentukan lokasi dan mengradiasi target tumor yang kecil yang berada di dalam kepala khususnya yang berada di dalam otak dengan akurasi yang sangat tinggi. Gamma Knife juga dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi untuk tumor yang sudah mulai menyebar di dalam otak (primary brain tumors or metastatic tumors), benign brain tumors (meningiomas, pituitary adenomas, acoustic neuromas), kerusakan pembuluh darah (arteriovenous malformations) dan masalah fungsional (trigeminal neuralgia). Bahkan, untuk kedepannya Gamma Knife ini diharapkan dapat mengatasi Epilepsi dan Parkinson.

Bagaimana Gamma Knife Bekerja ?

Secara garis besar, Gamma Knife menggunakan teknik yang biasa disebut stereotactic radiosurgery. Teknik ini menggunakan radiasi yang kemudian diubah kebentuk 3 dimensi yang memungkinkan sinar radiasi tersebut fokus kepada target yang sangat kecil sekalipun.

Dalam pengerjaannya, penggunaan Gamma Knife dapat dilakukan dalam satu sesi maupun beberapa sesi tergantung pada jenis dan besar tumor target.

Dalam pengerjaannya pasien diberikan anestesi lokal. Pasien juga dipasangi dengan bingkai kepala yang kaku yang dapat membentuk bentuk 3 dimensi untuk radiasi nantinya. Kemudian setelah itu dilakukan pengambilan gambar dari MRI, CT atau angiography. Setelah gambar-gambar ini di dapatkan gambar tersebut dikirim ke Gamma Knife Planning Computer System. Dengan menggunakan system ini , dokter lalu menetukan tutuk pasti dari target yang akan diradiasi dan hubungannya dengan structure normal di sekitarnya. Beberapa target mungkin memerlukan sesi treatment beberapa kali. Para dokter yang terlibat juga biasanya menetukan banyaknya kali sesi yang dilakukan dan dosis yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang optimal.

Pemasangan Bingkai Kepala Pada Mesin
Dengan menggunakan koordinat 3 dimensi, setelah dilakukan perencanaan, bingkai kepala tadi lalu dengan cermat dilekatkan pada Gamma Knife. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memastikan ketika Gamma Knife mulai bekerja, sinar radiasi dapat dengan optimal mengenai target. Target sendiri, diletakan dengan tepat ditengah dengan jarak sekitar 200-presisi dari keluarnya sinar radiasi (Cobalt-60 generated). Treatment sendiri dilakukan selama beberapa menit hingga beberapa jam terganttung pada besar dan bentuk dari target, lama pengerjaan juga bergantung pada banyaknya jumlah tembakan sinar radiasi dan dosis yang diperluakan. Selama proses berlangsung, pasien tidak akan merasakan hal apapun. Setelah proses selesai, bingkai kepala dicopot dan pasien dapat kembali melakukan aktivitas normal.

Bagaimana Dengan Kemannan Gamma Knife?

Gamma Knife ini sangat aman bagi pasien penggunanya karena akurasi dari penyinaran radiasi sangat teliti hingga ukuran milimeter. Keamanan Gamma Knife ini juga ditambag dengan adanya bingkai kepala yang dilekatkan sehingga target tidak mungkin bergeser saat penembakan sinar radiasi juga dengan adanya akurasi target secara geographic dari imaging study yang dilakukan. Hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah ketika bingkai kepala akan diletakan pada mesin, hal ini harus dilakukan dengan sangat teliti, sehingga target tumor tidak bergeser, perhitungan dan seleksi banyaknya sesi dan dosis pun harus diperhitungan dengan
sangat teliti. Apabila hal ini telah dilakukan, maka Gamma Knife akan sangat aman untuk digunakan.

Gamma Knife is SAFE!!!

Apa Manfaat Dari Gamma Knife?
  • Tidak Rambut Rontok atau Jaringan parut
  • melindungi pasien dari paparan radiasi difus
  • Waktu pengerjaan yang sebentar (hanya beberapa menit hingga 4 jam)
  • Waktu perawatan yang sebentar ( 1-2 hari )
  • Mengurangi Biaya, Radiosurgery memberikan penghematan biaya dari 20 sampai 50 persen diperkirakan bila dibandingkan dengan operasi konvensional.
Source :




Let's Fight AIDS

Let's Fight Aids
World AIDS Day is celebrated every 1st of December each Year. Since AIDS was first identified in the early 1980s, an unprecedented number of people have been affected by the global AIDS epidemic. Today, there are an estimated 34 million people living with HIV and AIDS worldwide. So now the question is what AIDS really is?? What cause it?? And how AIDS develop today??

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. In medical condition people can get aids when their immune system is too weak to fight off infections. AIDS it self is cased by Human Immunodeficiency Virus or more well known as HIV. HIV is a virus that gradually attacks immune system cells. As HIV progressively damages these cells, the body becomes more vulnerable to infections, which it will have difficulty in fighting off. It is at the point of very advanced HIV infection that a person is said to have AIDS. If left untreated, it can take around ten years before HIV has damaged the immune system enough for AIDS to develop.

When someone is infected by this HIV virus they will shown condition or symptom, called an opportunistic infection, or an AIDS related cancer. The infections are called ‘opportunistic’ because they take advantage of the opportunity offered by a weakened immune system. But, it is possible for someone to be diagnosed with AIDS even if they have not developed an opportunistic infection. AIDS can be diagnosed when the number of immune system cells (CD4 cells) in the blood of an HIV positive person drops below a certain level.

Unfortunately, even there are many people think there is a cure for AIDS, the fact is until today there is no cure for AIDS. The only way to stay safe is to be aware of how HIV is transmitted and how to prevent HIV infection. And because of this situation Since the first cases of AIDS were identified in 1981, more than 30 million people have died from AIDS. An estimated 1.8 million people died as a result of AIDS in 2010 alone.

Although there is no cure for AIDS, HIV infection can be prevented, and those living with HIV can take antiretroviral drugs to prevent or delay the onset of AIDS. However, in many countries across the world access to prevention and treatment services is limited. Global leaders have pledged to work towards universal access to HIV prevention and care, so that millions of deaths can be averted.

Antiretroviral treatment can significantly prolong the lives of people living with HIV. Modern combination therapy is highly effective and someone with HIV who is taking treatment could live for the rest of their life without developing AIDS.

An AIDS diagnosis does not necessarily equate to a death sentence. Many people can still benefit from starting antiretroviral therapy even once they have developed an AIDS defining illness. Better treatment and prevention for opportunistic infections have also helped to improve the quality and length of life for those diagnosed with AIDS.

It is also important that treatment is provided for AIDS related pain, which is experienced by almost all people in the very advanced stages of HIV infection.

Even though antiretroviral treatment can prevent the onset of AIDS in a person living with HIV, many people are still diagnosed with AIDS today. There are four main reasons for this:

·          In many resource-poor countries antiretroviral treatment is not widely available. Even in wealthier countries, such as America, many individuals are not covered by health insurance and cannot afford treatment.
·         Some people who became infected with HIV in the early years of the epidemic before combination therapy was available, have subsequently developed drug resistance and therefore have limited treatment options.
·         Many people are never tested for HIV and only become aware they are infected with the virus once they have developed an AIDS related illness. These people are at a higher risk of mortality, as they tend to respond less well to treatment at this stage.

·          Sometimes people taking treatment are unable to adhere to, or tolerate the side effects of drugs.
In the later stages of AIDS, a person will need palliative care and emotional support. In many parts of the world, friends, family and AIDS organisations provide home based care. This is particularly the case in countries with high HIV prevalence and overstretched healthcare systems.

End of life care becomes necessary when a person has reached the very final stages of AIDS. At this stage, preparing for death and open discussion about whether a person is going to die often helps in addressing concerns and ensuring final wishes are followed.

So now, as we know that AIDS can be really life threatening, Let's we fight against AIDS and ask peope around us to do the same. Hopefully a little act that we do to against AIDS can be a big impact for decreasing a number of death because of AIDS.


Sources : http://www.avert.org/aids.htm


Please Welcome The New Members of AMSA UPH 2011/2012:

Congratulations to  you all !!!


Happy Ied Mubarak 1432 H
